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Twitter: @belvaderebrizzy

Donte Brownlee aka Belvadere Brizzy bka D.Brown was born July 21,1990 and was born and raised on the infamous Westside of Chicago. His love for music began at an early 8 years and eventually flourished into a deep rooted passion for hip hop and rap music, culture, and lifestyle alike. Not only does he enjoy the craft of word play but also writes, acts and produces tracks.

With a strong sense of hustling deeply rooted Belvadere strives to be the best and realest in a world of fugazi characters and ruthless acts of disloyalty. Looking to add the calm and cool roughness, of the Chicago swag, to the game his talent will surely become a needed commodity and an asset to the world.

Download Belvadere Brizzy – Money Hungry (dirty) | Downloads: [download_num][/download_num]