00-Welcome To Puerto Rico (Cover)


Downloads: [download_num]http://blokclubtv.com/wp-content/uploads/mixtapes/WelcomeToPuertoRico/00-WelcomeToPuertoRico.zip[/download_num]

This mixtape is the most anticipated mixtapes waiting to hit the streets. P.Rico – Welcome To Puerto Rico Hosted By Trap-A-Holics & the self acclaimed Chicago Mixtape King “Dj Slugo”. These 3 have decided to put their talents together to create some of the most powerful music Chicago has yet to experience. The streets of the Chi are sure to enjoy a great listening experience with these tasteful street hits with songs such as no lackin, hang with me, alot, make noise, no love, say hello to my little friend, gladiators, & more… this mixtape is sure to be classified as a mixtape street classic…